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Play Basketball For Fitness


Running is fun at times, but I always wondered if there was a better way to stay active and fit without pounding mindless miles.

I always played sports in high school, but as I got older I began to lose motivation. There were no schedules practices of any sort, so I had nothing to make me go out and stay active. I began to run, but that got boring and repetitive.

Finally, I decided that, even though I was now in my 30s, I was going to start going to my local rec center and play in pickup basketball games. Was I the best player? No. However, I went out there and busted my tail. I became known as a guy who could do the little things, and always hustled.

The best thing about the whole ordeal was I now looked in the mirror and thought I was a new person. The initial few days I was very sore, almost like I was spending an hour in the gym. Soon, I became so confident again in myself that I was willing to go skins when the teams were divided up. A month before that, there was no way I’d pull that stunt.

In conclusion, I recommend playing basketball if at all possible. The game gives you a full body workout that will allow you to work on your overall endurance as well. Playing on wood floor is much easier on your body, so try to find a place to play on with nice, indoor floors as well.