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Overview on Some of the Healthiest Eating Lifestyles Around the World

There is a universal wisdom to live a healthy life, but this is not possible unless we all follow a healthy eating lifestyle. If we particularly look at the current scenario, the majority of Americans are constantly battling with food and looking for alternatives in the world to loss their weight. Though many cities in […]

Living an Active and Healthy Lifestyle With Sports

Lifestyles: The Parameters That Will Define Who You Are

Lifestyles are the ways or styles in which different individuals around the world lead their lives daily. When we talk about the lifestyle we will try to look at this term from the sociological point of view. Lifestyles are usually defined based on a few parameters. These parameters include geographical habitats, food habits, clothing, accommodation, […]

Living an Active and Healthy Lifestyle With Sports

Identifying And Relieving Food Allergies

You should seek immediate medical attention if serious symptoms of allergy develop after eating.  These include severe hives, itching, swelling, light-headed, wheezing,  shortness of breath, and difficulty swallowing. Identifying and Relieving FOOD ALLERGIES. In the past it was thought that food allergies are relatively uncommon, occurring in less than 1  percent of the population and mainly […]

Some Reasons Why Sugarcane Juice Could Be Your Ideal Summer Drink

The Lifestyle and Its Research

Lifestyle research stands at the boundary between a number of traditional academic disciplines, developing expertise from sociology and the social sciences in areas as distinct as business, retailing, marketing, understanding of consumers, and health and social care. The very diversity of fields and disciplines with an interest in lifestyle research creates complexity in an already […]

Living an Active and Healthy Lifestyle With Sports