Home Lifestyle A Healthy Lifestyle Is Only Five Simple Steps Away
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A Healthy Lifestyle Is Only Five Simple Steps Away


We all know how important it is to live a balanced lifestyle and develop healthy habits. Making simple changes to lifestyle behaviors can have a huge impact on your long term health and well-being. Here’s five simple tips on how you can start looking after yourself better and make the switch to a healthier lifestyle today.

Include a range of foods from all five food groups in your diet
o A balanced diet is important when it comes to meeting your daily nutritional requirements. Always incorporate each of the different food groups when planning meals and snacks for you and your family. Don’t forget that you can substitute frozen vegetables and fruit and vegetable juices for fresh ones, as these can be equally good for you.

Opt for low fat, low salt, low sugar and high fiber foods
o High fat, high salt and high sugar foods are like a false economy €” more often than not they’re energy dense but with little nutritional value. To help you choose foods that lower in saturated fat, sodium and sugar you can read the nutritional information panels on the packaging of different products. High fiber foods are a good option as they help you feel fuller for longer.

Keep up your water intake
o Water contains no kilojoules, so it’s a better option than other liquid drinks. You should try and limit your intake of fizzy drinks and some juices as these are usually high in sugar. Drinking low or reduced fat milk rather than high sugar juice of soft drink is another healthy alternative.

Pay attention to portion size
o Rushing through meals quickly can easily result in overeating, as you are not taking the time to savor and enjoy the food. Portion sizes can be estimated by measuring one portion as roughly a cupped handful. A good idea to help you maintain a balanced diet is to prepare meals and snacks in advance, giving you better control over portion sizes and ensuring you have healthy, nutritious options when you have to eat on the go.

Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of daily physical activity
o Physical activity is vital for maintaining your health and well-being, so aim to incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine. Around 30 minutes of additional activity a day is great, or you can aim for 10,000 steps a day (measured using a pedometer). Take simple steps to increase your incidental exercise by opting for the stairs instead of the lift, or by parking the car further away from the entrance to the shops.

Achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle need not involve drastic diets or radical exercise regimes. By aiming to incorporate these simple changes into your everyday routines you’ll soon be looking and feeling healthier – and your body with thank you for it in the long run.