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Great Tips to Market an Online Business Offline

An often overlooked tactic for online businesses is marketing their business offline. This can increase income and profits when done properly. Here are five powerful ways you can market your business offline. Business cards- Whenever you think about marketing a business offline, business cards always seem to be the top choice. They’ve been around for […]

4 Marketing Strategies for the COVID-19 Crisis

Social Networks, Will they help your business ?

Social networking is a big buzz phrase nowadays. It is nothing more than finding new ways to distribute and share what you think about companies, their products, people and anything else using the Internet as the medium. social networking is an amazing and fun way to build your business by establishing relationships and communicating with […]

4 Marketing Strategies for the COVID-19 Crisis

Using great Business Quotes to Change the way Your Employees Think

Most people enter their occupation with a fair amount of idealism and motivation. They want to do the job well, suggest improvements whenever possible, impress their boss and receive promotions. But after we’ve held job for a while, it’s easy to become lethargic and unintentionally compromise our creativity and efficiency. As an employer, you doubtlessly […]

4 Marketing Strategies for the COVID-19 Crisis

Expand Your Business Beyond Business As Usual

Tuesday afternoon, I got off the phone with a client and started thinking about my workout that night at the gym. On Tuesdays the instructor takes us through a particularly grueling circuit of squats, crunches, barbell lifts, mountain climbers, and deliberately difficult push-ups. Within 15 minutes, sweat is pouring off the backs and faces of […]

4 Marketing Strategies for the COVID-19 Crisis