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Fitness Exercise Guide


Fitness Exercise Guide

Build your core, flexibility, strength and balance now!

If you are attentive in the latest trends in terms of fitness and exercise, you may have heard the term core strength.

The fact is that core strength actually refers to muscles found on your back as well as the abdominals. Core strength basically refers to the ability of these muscles in supporting your spine and keeping your own body balanced and stable.

The moment you decide to strengthen the core of your muscles, you have more than likely reduced the pain in your back and at the same time strengthen your abdominals.

What are the core muscles?

The following are the major core muscles in the body. The TVA is the transverse abdominis. This muscle is considered as the abdominal muscle that is deepest.

The internal obliques are the muscles that lie just under the obliques external; this runs in the direction that is opposite the external. The exercise that would target this core muscle is the crossover crunch.

The rectus abdominus is the muscle that is long and that actually extend on the abdomen’s front.

This is the popular six-pack that could be seen on the abs and the one that is easily visible if the body fat is reduced. The exercise that would target this particular area is the crunch.

Meanwhile, the erector spinae is the collection of 3 muscles that extend along the neck to your own lower back.

The exercise that would target this specific core muscle is the back extension.

The following are some of the core strengthening exercises that you could apply using the ever-reliable exercise ball.

It is highly advisable that these exercises be tried first. Make sure you first use a wall or hold the ball against a sturdy object to create stability.

As much as possible, try to do three sets of sixteen repetitions for every exercise. Make sure to make your form perfect prior to increasing the repetitions or the sets.

If there is any move that have caused you pain, stop immediately. It could be your body’s signal that you may not be doing the routine correctly.

It is always best to consult with your physician prior to exercising.

Focus, focus, focus

A good way to maintain your own balance during exercising is by letting your eyes focus on a point that is fixed. This keeps you in the zone and not easily distracted.

It is also important that you do not let yourself bounce while you are on the exercise ball, especially when doing bends, twists or when you are rotating the spine.

Breathe in and breathe out

Always breathe in a normal fashion. Never hold your breath. You have to let good air in and bad air out. Inhale and exhale slowly and surely. Be as relaxed as possible.

Stretching floor exercises for flexibility

The fact of the matter is that a lot of stretch exercises are done on the floor and a lot of important muscles are worked out.

However, if you fear lying on the gym floor in order to do stretch exercises because you are afraid to get up, ask the help of a friend.

There is actually a right and appropriate way to go into this particular position. In case you have osteoporosis, make sure to check first with the doctor of your choice.

All in all, stretching exercises are a good way to improve flexibility. All you need to do is stretch regularly and consistently.