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Business On The Web


What’s the buzz in the Web?

The Web is a wellspring of information from news to weather and gossip. Official documents and declarations are posted on official websites of organisations within and outside government. If you ask a kid about a subject he or she has not adequate knowledge of, the answer is any variant of Google it.

Want to know where on Earth Woy Woy is? Just Google it and you instantly get a map which points to it and locate it with map coordinates. Want a 3D photo of Woy Woy? Use Google Earth and you can view buildings, streets and even shrubbery and trees in Woy Woy from any angle you wish to view them. There also are textual data of culture, government, history, politics, population and other official information along with its tourist destinations and potentials.

Google and Wikipedia are two of the most visited websites for information. These sites are always available online and constantly updated even over the Internet to give you the most recent status or version of just anything you want to research on. This makes them the most attractive and therefore the most visited service websites. There are other websites that offer similar services which may not be as popular but they share the same kind of benefits that frequently visited sites enjoy. If your site is ranked high up at Google in terms of search hits, chances are your site’s Google ads get clicked earning you a few cents as percentage commission on the ad €impressions€ picked up by Google’s auto monitoring program. The more Google ad clicks you get, the more your earnings are. That in itself could be focused and built on as a business.

That is the Web for you – information resource and business opportunity. You get to enjoy the best of both worlds. All you have to do is equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills to get you started on a business. But there’s more to it to get your business to stand up the way it should. Imagination, patience and persistence are attributes that must be learned or present in an individual in order to qualify as a business entrepreneur and really make his business take off. It takes all of your attention to familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of the business and industry sector you chose in order to really become successful.

Business on the Web€¦ are you up to it?