Home Food 5 Foods That Make You Lose Weight
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5 Foods That Make You Lose Weight


Among foods that make you lose weight are things such as salads, fruits, and vegetables. Most people understand that McDonald’s is not the best place to lose weight – the food there doesn’t help you to lose weight. So what food does? What are the best foods for a diet?

Here are 5 foods that make you lose weight.

  1. Salads. Make your salads with tomato, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, capsicum, cucumber and other vegetables which are low in calories. To give the salad more flavor, consider using curd or lemon as a salad dressing. Sandwiches are a good way to have raw vegetables too. The bread fills you but doesn’t use butter as a spread.
  2. Grapes. If you feel like snacking, grab some grapes instead of biscuits. They are perfect for a snack – they offer the same soothing hand-to-mouth action minus the fat. They’re also high in sugar, but you’ll be fine if you don’t overdo it. They’re excellent chilled and 100 grams of grapes contains only 70 calories.
  3. Oranges. The slower you eat, the easier it is for you to realize when you are full. And what snack takes longer than an orange? You have to peel it, cut it up, section it and then finally you can eat it. They only have about 48 calories so they are definitely one of the foods that make you lose weight.
  4. Potatoes. Shocked? The problem isn’t the potatoes themselves, but in how they are cooked. Potato chips and other forms of fried potato are high in fat, but if you bake or boil them instead, they are great for your diet. Mash them up; add some pepper and a sprinkle of lime. They contain only 97 calories. If you want something creamier and tastier, try sweet potatoes; however, remember that they contain 120 more calories than normal potatoes.
  5. Spicy food. I often speak to people who tell me they’re often satisfied with less food if the meal is spicy and hot. As a bonus, you automatically eat slower and drink more water. If your taste buds are tough enough, throw in chilies and hot sauce to your meals.

There are only 5 foods here, but there plenty more foods that make you lose weight. When cooking, make use of these foods and you will be well on your day to a slim and sexy body. Losing weight isn’t rocket science, it’s just a few facts which you can use while cooking.

So get out there, start cooking and make something from these 5 foods that make you lose weight.